Handy Howie
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The ACE warning light illuminated on my 1999 Land Rover Discovery TD5 when going around a tight corner.  Fortunately I wasn’t far from home when it happened.  A quick look showed a lack of ACE fluid and an oily wet rear of the car.  This photo on the left shows the location of the leak, which was very close to the rear hydraulic ram.

The two rear pipes were in that bad condition that there was no option but to replace both of them with new ones.  The photo on the right shows the rear of the ACE valve block.  Two nuts hold a clamping plate that secures the pipes in the block.  These nuts were removed.

The other end of the pipes connect to the rear hydraulic ram via a couple of banjo couplings.  I cleaned around the connectors and then removed them.  It is important not to get any dirt into the ACE system.  There a a couple of rubber mounts that support the pipes that also needed to be removed.

The ram connections removed.  I covered the connectors  after taking this photo to ensure no dirt dropped into them.

Here is the valve block with the rear pipes removed,  Again, I covered the holes to ensure no dirt got inside.

These photos show how corroded the pipes were.

I cleaned around the valve body connections and removed the old oil seals.

The new seals fitted to the valve block.

New collets were fitted to the new pipes then the clamping plate was refitted to hold the pipes in place.

The other end of the pipes were fitted to the rear ram.

On another occasion, I have had the same problem with another leaking ACE pipe, this time, however, it was one of the front pipes.  To gain access to the leaking pipe I had to take the front wheel off, then remove this plastic panel in the front wheel arch.

There are 3 screws that hold the panel in place.  Once the panel was removed I could see the leaking pipe, as in the photo above.

The leaking pipe is the high pressure pipe that connects to the ACE pump.  In the photo there is a pipe connection that I have undone.  The section of the pipe that runs to the valve block was in OK condition, it just needs cleaning with a wire brush and painting.

To get access to the connector at the pump end, I had to lift out the air box

After lifting out the air box, I disconnected the air pipe from the intercooler and lowered it out of the way.

With the air pipe out of the way, the banjo connector could be unscrewed.  There are a coupe of rubber mounts and clips that hold the pipes in place, these were also removed.  The pipe was then slid out from the right wheel arch.

I decide to see if I could save the pipe, so I cleaned all the rust off with a wire brush then brazed the areas that were badly pitted.  I then re-painted the pipe.  After refitting, the leak was gone and the ACE was working again.  I am going to take the other pipes off and clean and re-paint them, before they corrode much more.